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Nexon Sponsorship League Season 3 (Ticket)
Cosmetic icon Nexon Sponsorship League Season 3 (Ticket)
Билет Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Tooltip на строке 16: Нет аргумента.
Редкость: Common

The Nexon Sponsorship League starts its final season. Starting in January 2014, the NSL spans three seasons with a total of KRW 300 million ($267,153) worth of funding. The best team from Korea will compete for Nexon's sponsorship.
Комплект «Nexon Sponsorship League Season 3»
Kangdae the Dokkaebi
Nexon Sponsorship League Season 3 (Ticket)

Предметы набора

Комплект «Nexon Sponsorship League Season 3»
Nexon Sponsorship League Season 3 (Ticket)
Nexon Sponsorship League Season 3 (Ticket)

This ticket is for the Nexon Sponsorship League Season 3 tournament. It is part of the Nexon Sponsorship League Season 3 Bundle.


Обновление от 24 февраля 2015

  • Убран из магазина Dota 2.