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Flesh Heap (до 6.64)
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Pudge is made of innumerable rotting corpses, giving him extra protection against spells as well as the ability to add more to his bulk.
Может использоваться иллюзиями.
Примечания иллюзий:
Иллюзии получат бонусы сопротивления к магии, но они не будут получать дополнительный показатель силы. Радиус убийства врага требуется, чтобы рядом находился герой, а не иллюзия.
Мясник придает новое значение словосочетанию «пушечное мясо».

  • Эта способность была переделана в патче 6.64.
  • Эта способность не ретроактивная. Это значит что дополнительная сила не меняется с повышением уровня, и убийства до изучения способности не будут давать силу.
  • На каждом уровне Pudge должен убить 34/17/12/9 не-героев для получения 1 очка силы от Flesh Heap убивая только не-героев.
  • Написав -fs в чат, можно увидеть сколько сейчас силы он получил от Flesh Heap.

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Raises units from the dead for 30 seconds.

  • This ability belonged to Butcher before he was removed in 5.62.
  • Brings the closest corpses within the radius back to life for a short duration.
  • Raised units cannot use any abilities and have a distinct red hue.
  • The corpses disappear once raised. When the raised unit expires or is killed, it does not leave a corpse.

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Each level increases the Butcher's mastery over the undead.

  • This ability belonged to Butcher before he was removed in 5.62.
  • Manacost of and number of corpses raised by Stitches on each level with each level of Dawn of the Dead:
    • Level 0 Dawn of the Dead: 1/2/3/4 corpses, 65/85/105/125 manacost
    • Level 1 Dawn of the Dead: 2/3/4/5 corpses, 85/105/125/145 manacost
    • Level 2 Dawn of the Dead: 3/4/5/6 corpses, 105/125/145/165 manacost
    • Level 3 Dawn of the Dead: 4/5/6/7 corpses, 125/145/165/185 manacost
    • Level 4 Dawn of the Dead: 5/6/7/8 corpses, 145/165/185/205 manacost
  • Corpse generation intervals of Necrogenesis with each level of Dawn of the Dead is 10/8/6/4/2.
  • Manacost of and number of flies summoned by Carrion Flies on each level with each level of Dawn of the Dead:
    • Level 0 Dawn of the Dead: 1/2/3 flies, 75/100/125 manacost
    • Level 1 Dawn of the Dead: 2/3/4 flies, 100/125/150 manacost
    • Level 2 Dawn of the Dead: 3/4/5 flies, 125/150/175 manacost
    • Level 3 Dawn of the Dead: 4/5/6 flies, 150/175/200 manacost
    • Level 4 Dawn of the Dead: 5/6/7 flies, 175/200/225 manacost

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Periodically spawns a dead unit for the Butcher.
Появляющийся юнит: Гнолл/Стрелок/Huntress/Таурен

  • This ability belonged to Butcher before he was removed in 5.62.
  • Spawns 1 corpse of the named unit inside Butcher's belly. Can have up to 8 corpses inside.
  • Corpses can be dropped by clicking on the icon of them displayed in the hud, or by using the Drop All Corpses sub-ability.
    • Manually dropping corpses does not interfere with any other action of Pudge.
    • However, the sub-ability uses a 0.3 second cast time after which it drops corpses in 0.5 second intervals. This does not require channeling.
  • Corpses cannot be used while they are inside his belly. They must be dropped in order to use them.
  • Ghouls are melee units with 450 health, 14-15 attack damage, 0 armor and have a "fast" attack and movement speed.
  • Riflemen are ranged units with 520 health, 24-30 attack damage, 0 armor, 600 attack range and an "avarage" attack and movement speed.
  • Huntress are ranged units with 700 health, 29-31 attack damage, 2 armor, 225 attack range, "avarage" attack speed and "fast" movement speed.
    • The Huntress' attacks bounce once to other nearby enemy units within a 400 radius around their attack target, dealing 100% damage.
  • Taurens are melee units with 900 health, 31-37 attack damage, 3 armor, "avarage" attack speed and "fast" movement speed.

Unknown icon
Уровень ?
Длительность Длительность способности 30
Броня Броня 0
Сопр. магии Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Calculate на строке 39: in expression "(?*1)*100".
Урон от атаки ▶️ Обычная [?]
13 ‒ 14
Дальность атаки Ближний бой 100
Дальность обнар. 600
Анимация атаки ?+?
Скорость снаряда Мгновенная
Скорость передв. ? (100)
Скорость повор. Требует 0,209 сек. чтобы развернуться на 180°. 0,5
Радиус столкн. ?
Дальность обзора (Л) 0
Награда Золото ?
Опыт ?
Размер модели ?
Примечания Летающие юниты
иммунитет к заклинаниям
Carrion Flies

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Unknown icon
Summons a horde of flies from a dead unit.

  • This ability belonged to Butcher before he was removed in 5.62.
  • Requires at least one corpse within 600 radius to be cast.
  • The Flies are always spawned ontop of the corpse.
  • The flies also possess this ability, but with 25 manacost and 12 second cooldown. They create flies of their own level whenever they can.
  • Flies start with 0 mana and have a maximum manapool of 25 and a 2.5 mana regeneration, so it takes 10 seconds for them to have enough mana to create new flies.

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Unknown icon
A corpse explodes, dealing damage to all nearby enemy units. The damage is based on the maximum health of the corpse. Each level increases the radius

  • This ability got replaced by Dawn of the Dead in the 5.59 gameplay patch.
  • Causes the closest corpse in the target area to explode, dealing damage in an area around it.
  • The damage is entirely based on how much max health the unit from which the corpse originated from had.
  • Cannot explode corpses of ancient creeps.
  • The corpse disappears when used.

Без названия
Unknown icon
Casts a corpse explosion that causes other nearby corpses to explode, causing a chain reaction.

  • This ability temporarily replaced Carrion Flies in the 5.55-5.58 gameplay patches.
  • Upon cast, causes the closest corpses to Butcher explode with a 0.5 second interval between each other.
  • The damage and radius of the explosions are based on Corpse Explosion.
    • This means when Corpse Explosion is not leveled, this ability does nothing.
  • Each explosion still requires a corpse, so when not enough corpses are nearby, it may not create max number of explosions.
  • Cannot be cast when no corpses are nearby.

Unknown icon
Это существо не имеет маны.
Уровень ?
Длительность Постоянная
Броня Броня 2
Сопр. магии Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Calculate на строке 39: in expression "(?*1)*100".
Урон от атаки ▶️ Обычная [?]
8/15/24/35 ‒ 9/18/29/43
Дальность атаки Ближний бой 100
Дальность обнар. 600
Анимация атаки ?+?
Скорость снаряда Мгновенная
Скорость передв. ? (100)
Скорость повор. Требует 0,209 сек. чтобы развернуться на 180°. 0,5
Радиус столкн. ?
Дальность обзора (Н) 1400
Награда Золото ?
Опыт ?
Размер модели ?
Примечания Иммунитет к заклинаниям

Без названия
Unknown icon
Summons a number of Carrion Beetles to obey the Butcher. Each level Beetle is more powerful

  • This ability got replaced by Corpse Explosion in the 5.55 gameplay patch.
  • Requires at least one corpse within 600 radius to be cast.
  • The Scarabs are always spawned ontop of the corpse.
  • When raising a new Scarab while already having maximum allowed Scarabs, the oldest Scarab will die.

Без названия
Unknown icon
The Carrion Beetle digs into the ground and becomes invisible

  • This ability belonged to the Carrion Beetles.
  • Turns the Beetle invisible and disables its attacks and movement.
  • While burrowed, the Carrion Beetle maintains its regular vision range.
  • The Beetle can burrow out at any time.

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Unknown icon
Leaks gaseous poison into the air, dealing damage to nearby units.
Может использоваться иллюзиями.
Примечания иллюзий:
The cloud visually appears on illusions, but have no effect.

  • This ability temporarily replaced Cannibalize in the 5.35-5.40 gameplay patches.
  • Places a debuff on every enemy unit which comes within range. The debuff gets refreshed on each unit individually in 1 second intervals if they stay within range.
  • Deals damage in 1 second intervals, resulting in 5 instances in one duration.
  • Can deal up to 25/50/75/100 damage to a single unit (before reductions).
  • The damage is not lethal.

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Unknown icon
Consumes a nearby dead body to restore hit points.
Радиус поиска трупа: Глобальный

  • This ability got temporarily replaced by Disease Cloud in the 5.35-5.40 gameplay patches.
  • After that, it got replaced by Corpse Explosion in the 5.55 gameplay patch.
  • Can only be cast while not at full health.
  • When casting, the Butcher walks to the nearest visible corpse. Once within 50 range of it, the channeling begins.
  • Restores in form of health regeneration, so it heals 0.15/0.25/0.35/0.45 health in 0.01 second intervals.
  • The channeling automaticaly stops once reaching full health.
  • The corpse instantly disappears once the channeling ends or is canceled.